Inconsistent TOF alignment printing pre-die-cut labels on LX600/LX610

Repeating sections of blurry printing - Inconsistent TOF alignment - Printing over on the same label using pre-die-cut labels on (LX600/LX610)

Issue: Pre Die-cut labels printed on the LX600 or LX610 has inconsistent Top of Form (Vertical) alignment or print over and over on the same label or have repeating sections of blurry printing.  The smaller the size down to the minimum of 2", the more problems you will encounter.

1. Create Loop.  The create loop check box is found on the Printer Settings tab in the Advanced Settings area.  Check or uncheck this box to affect inconsistent vertical alignment. If the box is checked a slack loop will be created before each print to assist with easy feeding.  However, for certain size labels, it may be beneficial to uncheck the box.  The best setting depends on your specific label size so it is recommended to try it both ways.

2. Blue Label Guide Outer Diameter. The circular blue label guide may be contacting the cover as it feeds the label stock.  This friction impedes the label stock's feed movement and can cause poor quality printing and inconsistent top of label print start positions. It affects smaller sizes more because the rollers have less contact with the label stock and therefore less pulling power.  Digital Die Cut stock is not affected because we engage extra rollers that can counteract the back tension caused by the rubbing blue rollers. Please take a look at the video below to determine whether this issue is present.  If the guide contacts the back of the printer, request a new blue guide (SKU 732202mod) from support with a smaller diameter.   We will send it to you free of charge.

3. Blue Guide Axle.  Make sure the axle spins freely in the holder and doesn't fit too tightly.  

4. Review these articles:
  1. Load the Label Stock Correctly
  2. Adjust Horizontal Offsets
  3. Adjust Vertical Offsets
  4. Overbleed the Image

Article ID: 030421