Over bleeding forces the printer to print beyond the edges of your label to compensate for the printer not accurately placing the images on the label. The printer has a small margin for error (Approximately +/- 0.5mm) when it comes to placing an image on the label. Basically, you print your image bigger than your label!
To over bleed, first, increase the page/print size by .03 in both width and height. Next, center the larger print over the label by adjusting print alignment (Alignment Centering #5 in the example Below)
Follow these instructions:
1A. PC - Increase Page Size in BarTender by .03"
If you are using BarTender, simply change the size under the File Menu - Page Setup. If you are using other graphics programs you will need to change the page size in the application and in the printer driver preferences.
- Increase the page size width in the driver preferences by .03 inches (0.8mm).
- Increase the height by .03 inches (0.8mm).

Note: If you find that too much ink is printed on the liner you may choose to over bleed by lesser amounts. The TOF and Left Margin Offset changes below would need to be adjusted accordingly.
1B. Mac - Create a Custom Page Size .03" larger.
If you are using a Mac you will need to create a new custom page size. This can be done from the Paper Size section of any Mac printing application. After you click print, go to paper size/page size. Choose Manage Custom Sizes.
Set the page size .03" larger than your actual label. In the example below we set the page size to 4.03 x 3.03. Set all margins to zero.
2. Decrease Left Margin Offset to center alignment horizontally
Decrease the Left margin offset by half the increase of the page size width. In this case, you would decrease the value by 0.42mm (-4 Mac). This will center the page size increase so there is a small over bleed on both left and right sides. Some additional adjustments may be necessary depending on whether the image was perfectly aligned before.
Decrease the Top of Form by -0.42mm (-4 Mac). This will cause the printer to start printing before the label and ensure a fully printed label. Some additional adjustments may be necessary depending on whether the image was perfectly aligned before.

Note: It is best to over bleed as little as possible to avoid excess ink on the label backing. Also, over bleeding too much will cause the printer to skip labels. This is because the printer stops printing too late to sense the next label.
Related Articles:
Labels are printing horizontally offset (left to right). The image is printing too far to the left or right.
Labels are printing vertically offset. The printer starts printing in the middle of a label. It is skipping labels between prints.
Article ID: 44868