Cookie out error can mean two different things depending on whether there is a cookie on your tray/tongue.
1. Cookie Out Error with Cookie/Object on the tongue/tray. This means the cookie/object is too tall/high. Eddie stops the print job at this point to avoid hitting the cookie with the print carrier. Cookies, Macarons, Marshmallows etc., that are over 1" may be too tall to print on. Remember to add the height of the custom tray into your calculation. 1 inch cookie + .25 inch tray height = 1.25" (too tall).
2. Cookie Out Error with no cookie or only a custom tray on the tongue/tray. If Eddie does not detect a cookie on the tongue, you will get this error. Or if you have custom trays such as a Sassy tray, Milton tray, Brown Bag Tray, or Sprinkle Tray on the tongue, it may be too short to detect as a cookie. If you want to print on the tray only, you'll have to prop up the tray or double up the tray for it to be detected.
3. Cookie Out Error when using the Platform Kit. If you place a print item dire
ctly on the platform, it must be at least 1.0" - 2.0" high. In this mode, you cannot print on regular cookies or any other print object less than 1.0" high. Eddie will not see the print item and will present a Cookie Out Error. Custom trays may also not work in this mode since there is no tongue or riser to set them on and lock them in place. Specifically, the process of printing on paper first before printing on your object will not work since the printer will not detect anything on the tray. Instead, use the riser that comes with the kit. See
this article for complete instructions.
4. Clean Sensor. If there is a cookie on the tray and it is NOT too tall, the sensor may need to be cleaned. See this
Article 041922