Platform Feed Obstruction Error (Eddie)
1. Remove obstructions. You may encounter this error at printer start-up if there is anything blocking the platform/tongue movement. Ensure the crumb catcher is installed correctly and not blocking the cookie sensor on the right side or the front-to-back movement of the platform/tongue. The hooks on the back of the crumb catcher should align with the slots on the back of the printer. You should be able to see the hooks on the back of the printer.
2. Remove any cookies, trays, adapters, or paper towels attached to the platform. Nothing should be on the platform when you turn on the printer. It checks and calibrates the platform during start-up. You can add these items after the printer has completed its start-up routine and no errors are present.
3. Tighten the screws on the platform bracket. Open the top half of the printer. Tighten the screws with a long-handle screwdriver to get more torque.
4. Install the tinted cover. Make sure you install the tinted cover. It helps block any excess light from affecting the
cookie sensor.
5. Clean the cookie sensor. Ink overspray mist can build up on this important sensor and cause incorrect errors.
7. Ensure the internal ribbon cable is attached. (Advanced).
A. Remove the cover by following the instructions at the start of
this video. Watch the cover removal process from 26 to 48 seconds.
B. Make sure the Ribbon Cable is attached. You can see a good view of it in
this video.

C. Reinstall the cover screws. Watch
this video starting at 2:45
Article ID: 072621