Try these steps in order.
1. Install the latest version. Occasionally, the driver will be corrupted after an OS update. Download the latest version from the products download page. You can find the latest software for your product at the location noted on the blue sticker attached to your product or click the link below.
*These unsigned drivers can be installed using the instructions in article ID 101819. Note: Updated drivers may not always work with older Mac OS versions. Many drivers for newer products only work with Mac OS 11 Big Sur or later.
2. Completely Remove and Reinstall the latest version. If you have already installed the latest version, you may need to more thoroughly remove the printer driver using the instructions in this article.
3. Install Rosetta. (Rosetta is required on any newly purchased Mac) Rosetta is a mac software that translates Intel processor apps to Mac M1 chip architecture. Follow these detailed instructions to install Rosetta.
4. Check your cartridge. If you are using the new drivers for the Disc Publisher SE-3, 4200 Series or LX500, please make sure you are using the following cartridges:
- 053334 (SE-3 or 4200) OK to USE
- 053374 (LX500) OK to USE
You can no longer use the 53332, 53335 or 53376 (LX500) cartridges with the new driver.
Try a new cartridge. A defective cartridge can cause this error!
5. The listed printers are not compatible with the Mac OS 10.15 Catalina, OS 11 Big Sur or Newer (OS 12, 13, 14, 15 etc.) Note: Apple discontinued support for 32-bit drivers in Catalina which caused these previously working drivers to stop working.
- Bravo Pro/ XI/ XI2
- Bravo II
- Bravo XR
- Bravo XRP
- LX 400
- LX 810
- LX 800
6. The printer utility is open. If using Bravo Disc Publishers, close the printer utility. Now cancel and resend your print job. The printer utility allows you to see ink levels etc. The printer will not print if this utility is open. If you are using PTPublisher, the ink levels are displayed through that application instead. (Does not apply to Label Printers)
Article ID: 55769