What is the "Scan Large print area for multiple objects" setting (Eddie)?
This setting controls how Eddie scans for the height of your cookie. Normally it will scan for height at one point. (See the Green dotted line in the image below.) With this setting checked it will scan a larger area for the highest point, AND it will double-check its settings to make sure the cookie is not hit by the print head. (See the Red dotted line in the image below.
First, update your firmware using these steps. (It should be version 1.40 or higher to use this setting). With this setting enabled, Eddie will scan the entire print surface for cookie height. This will take longer but it will ensure taller cookies are not knocked off the tray when printing. It is also useful if the top of your cookies has an uneven surface. The topmost height of the cookie will be used to set the height of the platform and the distance between the cookie and the print head. This setting can be used in any mode including: manual mode, with the carousel or with centering scan enabled.
--On PC - Go to PrintHub - Printer Settings - Advanced.
--On Mac - Go to the Eddie Config Utility - Third Tab - Advanced. Eddie (Config Utility opens automatically when you print.)

Article ID: 041422
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