How do I update my firmware, printer driver or software? (LX Series, Eddie and IP60)

How do I update my firmware, printer driver or software? (LX Series, Eddie and IP60)

For PC: 

1. Open PrintHub
2. Click on Settings
3. Select the Update Tab
4. Click the "Check for Updates" button.

Latest Version.  If you click Check for Updates and receive the message "No updates Found," you are already on the latest version of the software, firmware, and driver.

Changelog.  To view a list of the improvements and bug fixes for any particular version, click on the down arrows to crack open the specific version.  Click on your product name to see firmware and driver release notes. 

Automatic Update. Every 7 days, you will be prompted to update the software if there are any newer versions of software, driver, or firmware. You can choose to increase or decrease the frequency of that automatic check. You can check for updates immediately by clicking the "Check for Updates" button.   

BETA Updates. If you want to receive beta software, check the "Check for Beta updates" box.

For Mac 

1. Go to your product support page to download the latest version of the Mac software. Example:  (The current firmware version is shown on the download page.)  All current product support pages can be found here:

2. Download and install the update. The version of the software is shown on the file name.  Click to install the software/driver/firmware.

3. Go to the Settings Tab in Config Utility (4th Tab).  Choose Check for Updates.  Select the Beta Check box to get Beta updates.

4. After the software is installed, IF you need to update the first time you print or open your config utility, you will be prompted to send the firmware to the printer that has been downloaded to your computer.  To open the config utility, go to the Apple Icon – System Preferences - Printers and Scanners, select the <PTI_printer_name>, click on, Options & Supplies, and then Open Printer Utility.

5. To view Version History / Changelogs, follow the instructions in this article.

Article ID: 100821