What do I need to get started with Eddie?

What do I need to get started with Eddie?

Eddie comes with everything you need to get started, but there are a few things to consider if you want to take your cookie to the next level.

1. A sturdy table or Countertop.  Eddie is at home in the kitchen, where you can easily access a sink to clean filters and other parts regularly.  Also, the countertop is secured to the floor and other cabinets, so it won't move when Eddie prints.  However, a heavy table will also work.  Stay away from temporary tables that tend to move and vibrate when Eddie prints. 

2. Software.  If you are using Eddie on a PC, we provide free BarTender software, but many options exist.  Take a look at this article for all the details. 

3. PC or Mac.  You'll need a computer.  Since Eddie is meant to be in the kitchen, a portable computer such as a laptop works best.  However, other computers might work just as well.  Consider a microcomputer with a separate monitor.  Apple's microcomputer and the cheapest Mac you can buy is the Mac Mini.  For PCs, you can get a Micro/Mini PC.  There are many great options for less than $250, which include Windows 11. (Beelink is a great option) Most Micro PC have wall mount options.  You could mount a small monitor under a cabinet and use a wireless keyboard and mouse to minimize the number of cords.  Older computers can work fine too.  Take a look at this article for minimum specifications.

4. Custom Trays.  Custom trays are not required, but they expand the types of cookies and other food items you can print on.  Take a look at this article for all the details. 

5. Training.  Training is a great way to get started with your Eddie.  Before your training, make sure you have received and set up your Eddie, which includes plugging it in and installing all necessary software. Schedule your training here.

6. Read the Manual, watch the videos, and read the articles.  These are all great resources.  They can all be found on the Eddie support page: https://www.primera.com/eddiedownloads

7. Join the Eddie Facebook User Group with over 30,000 highly active members sharing tips, tricks, recipes, support, and examples of their amazing printed confections: https://www.facebook.com/groups/eddieprinter

Final Tip!  Give yourself time to get to know Eddie before accepting large orders.  First, read the manual. Take the training and print lots of test cookies!

Article ID: 071223