How do I get the free version of BarTender?
Run the latest version of the Eddie Installer or LX Series Installer to receive instructions for download and a free coupon code.
- The following screen will be displayed Before the registration screen. (You can rerun the
installer to get to it even after all other software has been installed).
Get BarTender to be directed to the BarTender Website to download the latest version.
Download BarTender 2021 or 2022. The code works only for the 2021 or 2022 version.
If you have trouble activating you may have an older version that needs to be deactivated first using these instructions.

This is what you will see in the Help Menu - About when installed correctly.
Note: There is only one
download of all BarTender editions. This download includes all possible
features. The code that the you enter determines what parts of BarTender are unlocked. The code Primera provides unlocks a special suite of features called “BarTender Designer
for Primera Ultralite Edition”
Article ID: 011221
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