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What is the difference between RGB and CMYK Color environments? What are PMS (Spot) colors. Which one do I use when printing to my Primera printer?
CMYK (Use this color Space when designing labels for Primera Printers) Primera printers use CMY or CMYK Ink so it makes sense to use the matching color space when creating your designs. CMYK stands for Cyan (Light Blue), Magenta(Light Red or PInk), ...
How do I show hidden files and folders in Windows?
Windows 10 and 11 Instructions: Open File Explorer. To get to File Explorer, click the Windows Icon and then the Document Icon. 1. Click the View tab from any Windows Explorer window. 2. Select Options. 3. Click the View Tab in the new window that ...
How do I completely remove and reinstall a Primera printer driver on Mac OSX 10.4 or earlier?
How do I completely remove and reinstall a Primera printer driver on Mac OSX 10.4 or earlier? 1. Disconnect the printer from power and USB. 2. Go to your Macintosh HD. Go to Applications/Utilities and open the Printer Setup Utility or Print Center. ...
How do I completely remove a Primera Print Driver? (Windows 7/8/10/11)
Note that you must be the local administrator of your computer in order to remove a Primera printer. Video Tutorial: Manual Driver Removal Video Tutorial: Manual Driver Installation 1. Disconnect the printer from USB or Ethernet. 2. Go to Start > ...
How do I delete and reinstall the printer driver. (Windows XP - Any Printer)
How do I delete and reinstall the printer driver. (Windows XP - Any Printer) (For new, first time installations skip to step 7) 1. Close all applications. 2. Power off the Printer using the power button or by unplugging the unit. 3. Browse to the ...
The picture or graphic printed on my label is blurry, pixilated or jagged. (Also applies to images or graphics imported into SureThing or NiceLabel)
The picture or graphic printed on my label is blurry, pixilated or jagged. (Also applies to images or graphics imported into SureThing or NiceLabel) The picture or graphic probably does not have a high enough resolution (DPI). Even though a picture ...
Can I refill my Primera Ink Cartridges?
Primera does NOT support the refilling of its ink cartridges. Refilling the ink cartridges can cause them to leak, thus clogging or even damaging the print head. Also, since refill ink is not formulated specifically for the printer or the Primera ...
A print job is stuck in the printer queue. How do I delete it? (Any Printer).
Follow these steps: On a PC: 1. Open the print queue by clicking on the printer icon (1) in your system tray (lower right corner) or search (2) for "Printers" and click on "Printers and Scanners". Find your printer on the list and click Open Queue ...
Color matching is off. Colors are not printing the same as they appear on screen or do not match PMS/Pantone colors. (All Products)
1. Can I match a PMS/Pantone color? Inkjet printing on label stock can not be matched to PMS colors. PMS colors are derived from specific paints that are mixed for that specific color. The paint is printed on the paper and sits on top of it with no ...
Poor Quality Printing, Banding, Streaks, Missing Colors. My cartridge is defective. What can I do? (LX810, LX910, LX400, LX500, LX600, LX610, IP60, Bravo series, Eddie)
If the cartridge has not been used for some time, the inkjet nozzles may dry out. 1. Clean / Test Print Print the Clean/Test Print described in this article. Send us a picture of the clean/test print! 2. Clean the Cartridge Manually Remove the ...
Primera program will not install or uninstall. Any error is received during the install or uninstall process. (PTPublisher, BarTender, NiceLabel, PTStatus, PTPrint, PTLab, SureThing)
There is probably a corruped registry entry related to the Windows Installer Package which is used to install and uninstall programs. Run Microsoft Fix it. This utility will attempt to fix corrupted registry entries.Article ID: 50229
What is the cost to repair my product?
Flat Rate Repair Table