What is the SDK? How can I use it with my Bravo / Bravo II / Bravo Pro / ComposerMAX?

What is the SDK? How can I use it with my Bravo / Bravo II / Bravo Pro / ComposerMAX?

What is the SDK? How can I use it with my Bravo / Bravo II / Bravo Pro / ComposerMAX?

What is it? Primera’s PTBurn SDK is a Network-capable, text-based, shared-folder burning & printing application.  It allows any client application to easily create discs with customized burn data and printed label information.

What can I use it for? It is ideal for use with customer-supplied “front-end” applications in networked or custom environments in markets such as:

  • medical imaging
  • digital photo processing
  • music/video/software
  • public on-demand kiosks
  • backup applications (disc spanning must be done by client application)
  • and much much more.

What are the supported products? Bravo, Bravo II or Bravo Pro (February 2005).

What are the supported Operating Systems? Windows 2000 and Windows XP PRO (Linux and Mac are not supported).

How does it work? The client application (which you provide) creates an ASCII text file (Job Request File) in the Job Request Folder (shared “hot-folder”) on the same computer or another computer on the network.  The Job Request File specifies the image data to burn, the label to print, and the number of copies to create.  The Job Request File must be a text document with certain Key values defined (many of which are optional).  The PTBurn application scans this Job Request Folder for new jobs submitted by any client application and when it finds the Job Request File it creates the discs automatically according to the specifications of the Job Request File.  No robotics, burning or print coding is necessary from the client application.

Client machines can be any that are able to share and write into a Windows folder.  It can burn either data or audio CD/DVDs, as well as create CD/DVD from a disc image.  Changes can be made to an INI file to customize many settings.  Full documentation is provided regarding Job Request File formating.

How do I get it? Go to this site: http://www.primera.com/register_developer.cfm  Fill out the necessary information, submit the form, and you will be contacted shortly thereafter with instructions on how to download the SDK.

Article ID: 44752