What is the Eddie Custom Tray Tab/Button in Primera PrintHub or Mac Config Utility? (Eddie)

What is the Eddie Custom Tray Tab/Button in Primera PrintHub or Mac Config Utility? (Eddie)

The custom tray tab allows you to calibrate Eddie to your custom tray.  If you would like to leave your custom tray on the tongue all the time without having to worry about Eddie detecting it as a cookie when you restart your printer, you can run this calibration.  

To run the calibration,  press Start Calibration. Eddie will present the tongue and enter Pause mode.  Place the custom tray on the tongue.  Finally, press pause to retract the tongue and complete the calibration.  It only takes a moment.  Now, the minimum height Eddie will detect a cookie or tray has been increased to just above the height of the tray installed.   To revert to the original settings, simply press "Reset Calibration."  The reset calibration button is only available to be pressed if the custom height calibration has already been performed. 

Note: If you were previously able to print directly on the tray, you will now receive a "Cookie Out" error when you try to print on the tray.  However, you will still be able to print anyway on the tray by pressing Load/Unload + Pause buttons simultaneously when this error appears. 

Calibration has been completed when you see the Reset Calibration button has turned blue.  Press it to revert back to original factory setting. 

Mac Config Utility Custom Tray Button

To see this tab or use the Load/Unload + Pause Print Anyway feature you will need firmware version 1.48 or higher and PrintHub or higher.

Article ID: 101524b