Primera Eddie – Edible Ink Printer – Printable Coffee Pods are leaking during the brew process.

Primera Eddie – Edible Ink Printer – Printable Coffee Pods are leaking during the brew process.

Once the coffee pods are sealed, they are sealed for freshness and flavor.  However, any coffee pod /K-Cup can leak during the brew process if it is not filled according to the specifications of the coffee maker.  The following issues can cause leaking during the brewing process.

  1. Ground too Fine. Finer ground coffee can cause leaking because the water isn’t traveling through the grounds as quickly as it needs to keep water from backing up and leaking.
  2. High Fill Weight. A higher fill weight also causes leaking because the water isn’t traveling through the grounds as quickly as it needs to keep water from backing up and leaking.  Usually, items 1 or 2 will not cause a problem by themselves, but when they are combined, leaking can occur.  Try filling the pod with less coffee grounds. 
  3. Missing or Worn Washer/Gasket. Every Keurig has a little rubber washer on the nozzle that pierces the K-Cup lid, which provides a seal between the nozzle and the lid on the K-Cup.  Sometimes, the washer is missing to begin with or falls out. Without it, water rushes out the top of the K-Cup.  The washer may also wear out over time. 
  4. Backup Washer/Gasket. Sometimes, the washer needs another washer behind it to apply more pressure and work with a broader range of K-Cups.


Article ID: 012224b