My LX400 is not printing or it prints one label and stops. Receive “Document failed to print” message, "printer setup problem" or "unrecoverable error".
Please try the following solutions:
- Run an Alignment Print. (PC) Go to Devices and Printers – Right Click on the Color Label 400 – Choose “Printing Preferences” – Click on Cartridge Alignment. (Mac) Click on the Align Cartridge button in the Configuration Utility.
- Try a new cartridge. Be sure to run an alignment print after it has been installed. (Step 1).
- Resend the firmware to the printer. Go here to find the latest firmware.
- Enable interactive Services. (Windows Only) See Article 44698
- Check the Sensor Type Setting. It is located in the printing preferences (PC) or Label Offsets area in the Configuration Utility (Mac). It should correspond to the label stock you have installed. Most of the time it should be set to Die-Cut/Thru-Hole.
- (Advanced) Run the Paper Out Calibration found in the LX400 Utility. Do not attempt to run this utility without first contacting Tech Support. It is SDK password protected. Download LX400 Utility
Article ID: 66499
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