My label stock is taped (spliced) together in middle of the roll. Will this cause a problem? (LX Series Printers).

My label stock is taped (spliced) together in middle of the roll. Will this cause a problem? (LX Series Printers).

When two pieces of label stock are taped together on a roll, it is called a splice.  It is possible that any roll could have a splice.  This is done to save the roll so that we don't have to throw out the whole thing.  Splices can happen if the web breaks in the die-cutting machine or when switching from one master roll to another.  You can always tell if a roll has a slice by examining the side of the roll for red or yellow tape markers.  In any group of 10 rolls, you can expect to see 1-2 splices.  Every roll has a bit of extra material to make sure you have the stated number of labels.  Spliced rolls have a bit more to compensate. 

A splice is designed to feed properly through any of our label printers without causing a jam.  However, it is still possible for the printer to print over a slice which will waste the ink that is printed there since the label will not be useable.  If you encounter more than one splice per roll or splice that does not properly feed through the printer, please contact support. 

Article ID: 040722