Missing Cartridge or Invalid Cartridge Error message received in PTPublisher. (Bravo 4100 Series Publisher)

Missing Cartridge or Invalid Cartridge Error message received in PTPublisher. (Bravo 4100 Series Publisher)

Error Message - The color cartridge is invalid/missing.  Open the cover and press the left button.  Change the cartridge and close the cover.  Yellow/Cyan/Magenta/Black Cartridge Invalid / Missing.

Note: If the last part of this error message which displays the specific problem cartridge is not visible, close and reopen PTPublisher.

Missing Cartridge – Make sure the cartridge is present.  If the cartridge is not missing, there may be a problem with the cartridge itself.  Replace the cartridge.
All Cartridges Display Missing Status – Make sure the cartridges and print head are installed.  If installed, this indicates that the robot never scanned the cartridges.  This is typically because the print head is not recognized.  If the robot does not see the print head it will not scan for cartridges.  The software presents this as all missing cartridges.  The print head could be defective or the copper contacts could be saturated with ink.  Clean the copper contacts.  This could also indicate a print carriage stall.  If the maintenance station, RFID sensor, or other component blocks the print head from being scanned, this could also cause all cartridges to display a missing status.

Note: This error can also occur if PTPublisher opens AFTER you also receive a No Robot Found error.  The No Robot Found error is the true error in this case

Invalid Cartridge – The cartridge may be defective, the wrong color cartridge or for a different Primera product.  Check the part number of the cartridge.  Does it match the old cartridge?  Is it in the same sequence of numbers as the other colors?  Try old cartridges, if they work then you know the new one is defective.  Invalid Cartridge means the robot reads the cartridge properly but sees that it is coded wrong.  This should never be fixed by a new print head.
Check the xml file referenced below for more information.

Note: If you see multiple invalid cartridges for one color, one after another, it could be a problem with the RFID reader board on the printer.  These usually show up as code “4” - see below.  A weak read strength RFID board can read some cartridges that present a stronger signal. However, when a weak-reading RFID board tries to read a signal from the weak RFID chip on the cartridge, it is unable to do so and presents the error as an Invalid cartridge.  This same cartridge may read fine on a different printer with a stronger RFID reader. Since the cartridges are technically still in spec, the best thing to do is replace the RFID reader board.




2 = TANK_INFO_MISSING – Error appears as Missing Cartridge in PTP.  Could a Bad Cartridge, or the cartridges is actually missing?

3 = TANK_INFO_INVALID – Bad Cartridge





8 = TANK_INFO_EOL_HALT – Cartridge Empty (-20% empty - Possibly refilled)



11 = TANK_INFO_OK – Everything is good.

Article ID: 44607