How do I use BarTender 2021 to add cut lines to a print template design (LX610 or Catalyst).
Within BarTender, any shape can be converted to a cutline that your LX610 or Catalyst printer can cut. You must use BarTender version 2021 Ultralite, Professional, or Enterprise.
Click the shape icon on the toolbar.
Drag the shape around the object(s) you want to
cut. Adjust the size by dragging or set
the size exactly by clicking properties.
Adjust the Width, Height, Corner Type, and Corner
Size (Radius). A typical corner radius
is .125”.
To convert it to a cut line, click on the name of
the object. By default, it will be named "Box 1" or "Ellipse 1" (for circles). You can also
change the name to anything, but it will always be listed
first in the properties window.
5. Now check the “Cut path” box. You will see the box outline convert to a
dashed line.
6. Repeat the procedure for all the objects you
want to be cut on your page.

Article ID: 052721