How do I Troubleshoot this unit? What Diagnostic Questions should be asked?
Serial Number. Get the Serial
Number. Age and type of unit will drive
how you troubleshoot.
2. Get Pictures. Get pictures of the problem labels, label stock, print quality, cookies, custom tray or broken part. Print a Clean Print. Analyze the CMY colors to see if one is clogged or mixed. Get a video too if you can.
3. Get Files. Get the customer print file so we can look at it and test it. Have the customer try different files. Print from a different program.
Lights. Are the lights on the
unit flashing in any specific sequence?
Error Message. What is the exact error
message on the computer screen? Have the
customer repeat the process which caused the failure while you are on the phone/chat.
Device Communication. Try different USB port, cable, front/back of
computer, opposite sides of a laptop. Remove hubs and extension cables.
When Does it Fail? At what point in the
process does the unit fail? (Describe the steps the user performs and the actions
of the unit until the failure happens).
History/Context. Has the unit worked
before on this computer? What happened before this point? Was the software,
firmware, or OS just updated? Does it work connected to another computer? Do
they have other Primera printers that work? Was it recently moved or unpacked
after a long period of nonuse?
Frequency. Does the problem
happen consistently.
Get Log Files. Get log files. In PrintHub go to
Settings-Support-Generate Support Report.
In PTPublisher go to Help Menu – Support Center – Create Support Report.
Add to the ticket.
11. Media Part Numbers What type of label
stock are they using. If Primera branded
– what part number?
12. What are they trying to do? Sometimes just asking general
questions about what they are trying to accomplish can help you solve a problem. We get too focused on the problem that we
forget to ask about the big picture. How
do you plan to use these labels? What kinds of products do you sell? Describe how
you use the Primera product?