How do I change the standard print template for PTBurn?

How do I change the standard print template for PTBurn?

How do I change the standard print template for PTBurn?

On the server browse to C:\Program Files\Common Files\PTBurn\PTBurnSample.std. Open this file in SureThing. Edit the file accordingly. If you wish to preserve the ability to insert text from client applications do not delete the text box labeled {FIELD 1}. However, if you move it around, change the font or the size of the text it will still work correctly.

You may also use an existing file that you created by renaming it as PTBurnSample.std and saving it to C:\Program Files\Common Files\PTBurn\. If you use a file that you created the insert text feature in the PTBurn Client will not work correctly.

The print template must be named PTBurnSample.std and be located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\PTBurn\ on the Server to work correctly.

You may want to rename the original to .old or some other filename. The original file is also with the rest of the installation files.

Article ID: 44825